4 days of rest

Yup, I left 4 days before I start my new job in ITE. Oh, to be frank, I am a little worried plus scare. It is not the workload that is scaring me, but the keying part, the understanding part on how and what should I do. Hmm, hopefully after this March, I will become a pro in handling all the accounts.

Last day in RAS wasnt that fantastic but at least I had a lunch with my dear Abu, whom I will seriously miss dearly. Hahaha.

Brought my mum and aunt to Crystal Jade for their buffet yesterday. Halfway thru the dinner, one of the supervisor approached me and tell me that she find me familiar. I do find her familiar too but I am not the kind of person where I will clarify if I know her. So it just happen that this lady was one of the person who attend the talk that I gave few mths back. Its about toilet issue lah. Then this lady was nice enough to actually wanna treat us dessert, but then, I am no longer in RAS but even so, it is not very nice to take their desserts so I rejected the offer. Hahahaha, see how much of integrity I have with me. LOLLOL, well, from next week onwards, the 1.5 years of toilet information should get out of my mind and I shld not be talking abt toilets anymore. HAHAHAHA.

Assignment is due today, at 11.59pm and I have yet started. I am so dead.. Gonna start now and chiong!!! Dont miss me.


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