
I have a question!! How to start a conversation to a person whom I have never talk to for 2 years and only see this person 2 times out of these 2 years. Anyway, I know I can talk lah, as in I can continue the conversation but this person that I wanna speak to is quite clever. Hmm, I am not sure how am I suppose to put it. Anyone can suggest how should I start off?

CNY is around the corner and seriously, I dont feel the festive season at all. Why is this so? Because in Year 2006, my grandma passed away, so in chinese tradition, we don't celebrate CNY on the next upcoming one, which is Year 2007. Then it comes 2008, where I had celebration and I love going to relative house, especially my grandma and ah ma. I dont know why, but I really do love to see them grow old. I am not cursing them to die faster, but seeing them growing old, I realise and learn to treasure stuff that is around me. When I look at them, I realise how difficult it is for them to walk through for the past 70 years?. I am glad that before my ah ma passed away, I gave her a red packet instead of her giving it to me. Anyway, my ah ma passed away right after the CNY in Year 2008, thus the upcoming new year (Year 2009) we are not suppose to celebrate. Now comes 2010, where I can celebrate CNY again, but it is so meaningless. I dont see old people anymore, I dont find it meaningful anymore in celebrating CNY. The cooked food that I used to eat during CNY is no longer there. The fun and laughter plus joy with cousins at my grandma's house I had before during CNY is no longer there. Alot of things are no longer there at all.

Recently, I had a talk with my colleague Ros. Anyway, we both always had talk. Although we have different views in work, and we do get angry with each other some times, but after that, we will be ok. I was telling her to get a diploma. I mean, qualification is really important and you cannot deny that. Everything are judge by how many qualification you have. I am so glad that she is really looking into taking up part time diploma in SP. I hope she can really go ahead and continue to acheive better life.

Oh, had lesson yesterday and my class got this freaking damm disgusting guy. Speaks with American slang but he is totally a Singaporean, and then act as if he is damm blardy clever and initially I had a team of 8 to discuss on topic about Sociology, but then he is so clever to split the 8 of us up. It is only a discussion where no points will be given. I hate it when people try to do something stoopid and assume that all like his idea. Damm egoistic guy.

Well, I guess we cant please everyone lah but then, just dont do stoopid stuff to irritate people. Shitty person!!

Take care people. Oh, I am making an appearance again in TV. HHAHAHA, will tell you guys when will it aired. It is confirm to be in March. Tata!!


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