Exam done!! and some other updates.

Yeah, I am finally done with my exam. No more paper lor!! Now I am just awaiting for all the results to release. Heehee.

Anyway, this is actually not the main thing I wanna share with you guys. My weekends are all burnt for a month already and it is all becos of the CGS.

Well, yesterday was the CGS in Northwest area and it was held in RP. Well, going back to my poly sch does bring back lots of memories. Well, yesterday after the roadshow, my mum called me up and says that she wanna bring me to one place to see something. Her tone to me was very serious and thus I was having alot of serious thoughts on what the hell has happened and all. So when my dad come and fetch me with my aunt and my mum, I thought, OH, something is gonna happen.

The moment I get into the car, my mum says that we are going to a temple, to read my facial and palm. So well, it was a Sunday and my mum gave the reason saying that there is no place that they can go and thus since they know that this particular temple is famous for reading all these, they decided to try it out. So a total of 4 of us set off to that temple.

Well, share with you guys what the teller said. He says that I am a person if I want something, I will get it no matter what. I bear alot of grudges and if people were to treat me nice, I will treat the person back damm nice. But if the person treats me badly, I will remember for life and treat her badly. He says that I am polite and have the politics face where my job is related to politics. In chinese, he says that 我有正官的脸,会升官,我旺夫。Lol, the husband part is funny lar and I just laugh. Worst is, he says that my relationship is around me but I have not settle down yet, in terms of my heart lah. Actually hor, he is damm accurate. He says that my character is stubborn and like I said previously, if I want it, I will do it. He says that I am "ti ki" (hokkien). He says 我有小聪明。

Ok, just listen lah hor.. Hahahha, take care peeps.


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