Time Not Enough

Can we have a local movie by some local people base on Time Not Enough, instead of Money Not Enough? Time is an important thing in life and if you do not have time, you wont have the money too. Time can let us do many things but it can also deprive us from doing the things we want.

I have been giving a 2 days training (Theory lesson and Practical), have been trying to make sure all those who attend the training understands what I am teaching, trying to go to school for lecture (but I didnt go), doing those reports that is going to submit up REAL soon, trying to balance out my time for family, friends and of course, myself. Trying ways to make time goes slower by doing things much more faster (worst, it makes the time seems to move faster too), trying to spend the right amount of time on some stuff which I should spend on.

So many things happened in the office. Am I creating trouble and does it seems like I am turning to become those people in the past? Am I grumbling too much and I should just shut up, let things be and join in together to be with the "gang"? Am I that stupid to actually tell Abu my reasons of why I wanna quit? I just feel that the politics is really something that can tired people out easily. So easy until you just feel like quitting, staying at home, focus on school work, back to my friends, go out with them, slack with them, share with them about school work, talk about personal life, dreaming big of what we wanna do, etc.

Sometimes I wonder, why cant a small team work together for a better organisation? Why stay put at one place and keep re-using the same method to get rid of people? Why wanna backstab people where you can choose to remind the person? Why wanna be so selfish where we can be magnanimous, where I am not asking for monetary magnanimous, but just work.

I hope everything is going to SHINE, everything moves forward, everything just goes smoothly. Did I choose the right path of becoming a Social Worker where I got so many questions with WHY??? Hahahha, tata.


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