
Showing posts from May, 2009


My dad gave me $300 of which I spend $100 on making a new spects, the rest are for my clothes and my Crumpler Bag!! So excited lar. Gonna meet Shirley next week to get those items. Met up with my unimates liao and I guess it will be a little bit tough for me to mingle ard with them. Some of them speak excellent English and if you guys know me well ah, my English is really those kind that cannot make it at all. Hahaha, but heck care lah, got 2 malay girls, I think I will mingle with them more. Thank you Gean for promising me that she will buy me a BILLABONG PENCIL BAG!!! Those big bong big bong one. Hahahahahha. Thank you Shirley for also promising that she will get me the stationary. Lishan ah, I dont know what you can buy for me liao. Hehehehehe, so happy and excited lar. Had a surprise on Friday. I went back to office and found 2 lollipops on my table. I asked my colleague who put it on my table and all said no, so I start wondering and thinking who is the person that put it on my ta...


I am accepted!!! Not about having a boyfriend, but I GOT ACCEPTED BY UNISIM !! Tan Zhi Tong is officially going back to school in JULY!! I am really excited. Going back to school again, touching books again, making new friends again, project work again, feeling tired again, gonna curse and swear about school work again, another kind of "poly" life again (cos its a 3 years degree), gonna pon again, exams again.... SOOO MANY AGAIN(s)! Well friends, if you guys also feel excited for me, here are some of the things I need to buy and perhaps you guys can show support in THIS way! Heeheehee I need a new Crumpler Bag! I need a new Pencil Box! I need a new pair of Spectacles! I need a new set of Stationary! I need a new bag of clothes! I need a new nice Watch, prefably G-Shock G-9200( orange )! Hahahahahah, friends, got my hint anot? HAHAHAHHAHAHA. I always welcome these NEW stuff to me. Dont be shy to clarify with me on what I need okie! HAHHAHAHAHA. Take care peeps! I AM SOOOOOOOOO...

So crazzzy!!

Did something which me and Shirley thought it is sooo crazy. We went back to our "mother-school"(母校). Well, chit chat with Mr Goh and to be frank, he is still one of the best teacher I have ever met in my entire education life. In OPSS, there are only some teachers you can talk to and never need to worry about them leaking it out or take you as a topic to talk about. Saw one always ever irritating teacher and said hi and I got no choice, have to say hi. Still the same snoobish irritating disgusting teacher. So you guys might be asking now, why out of the sudden me and Shirley went back? Hahaha, IT IS BECAUSE......... She bring GiGi (god-daughter) for grooming and since I was kinda free from 1030am till 1.30pm, we decided to drop GiGi first, eat breakfast and go back to OPSS. Anyway, my workload is rapidly increasing non-stop. I can tell you guys now that I had my appointment fix until 9 of June. Tmr I am going to Marsiling for an audit because of some reasons, after that I go...

Weekdays again..

Weekdays are here again. Its time to work again. Its time to give talk again. Have to work hard and hit target again. So many again... I guess my daily routine are the same and thus I got abit sian of it. Swine flu hit Malaysia and it is sure gonna reach SG very soon. Have a good rest from Friday till Sunday. Lots of ideas, lots of thoughts running through my mind. Its time to chiong for work. I NEED FIGURES!!! (for toilets)

Airport...AND I got interviewed again...

Went airport with Joey on Sunday at freaking 11am. Had Yakun for breakfast plus popeye's mashed potato. Seriously Joey, why must we go till Changi Airport to had our Yakun.. Shld have insist to go Popeye and settle the breakfast. Haha, but with me around, our mouth can never be stop (I mean, chewing). So after the mashed potato, we went to walked around in T3 and explore the engineering side of that airport, which is well-known for using natural sunlight to brighten up the place. Well, nothing much fanciful but then I shot quite a few pictures with my A200. Hehe, share it with you guys in the next entry. So after visiting and walking around in T3, we took skytrain to T1's viewing mall and then to our surprise, the viewing mall got shrinked into half, or I shld say lesser than half of the area of the original viewing mall. Sitting down, slacking, snapping, chit chat, see planes, see bricks and metal bar (cos renovating), listen to children's screaming and crying, looking at ...

Appeared in TV again...

Yes, I appeared in Channel 8 and Channel U news for the toilet thingy again. Read ba.. 新传媒新闻报道,调查显示,在国人眼中,咖啡店里的公厕最肮脏,不过干净清洁的公厕还是有的,本台记者就跟随厕所稽查员,突击被誉为本地最干净的咖啡店厕所。 结果显示,兀兰中心路这家咖啡店的厕所保住了协会颁发的三颗星,或等同于普通水平的卫生评级。 咖啡店比较难超越三星的卫生评级,这是因为使用者不负责任,和缺乏专门清洗厕所的工人。 至今本地三星级的咖啡店厕所只有六间。协会的调查显示,公众认为咖啡店的厕所最肮脏,其次是小贩中心,而最干净的公厕就在医院和政府机关。目前全国约有3万5000间公厕,协会原定明年使其中七成公厕达到三星级,但参与康乐公厕计划的公厕只有大约300间。 新加坡卫浴文化协会计划执行员陈芷彤说,“很少人知道说,新加坡卫浴文化协会有这个康乐厕所计划,教导他们怎么去保持厕所干净,其实我们也没有这个权力去逼他们参加这个计划,我们也不希望说,有反效果出现说,跟你前几个月做得很好,可是后面就开始没有保持干净。” The video link is here. Well, once again, my face... Hahahaha, seriously people, I dont really enjoy exposing myself so much ah but bo bian... Weekend is here and once again, I AM GONNA REST UNTIL I HAPPY. Tell u guys something funny (maybe not funny to u, but to me, it is). I didnt go to office today because...

So many meetings...

Yup, have been attending meetings since so many months ago and has never stop at all. I am going to give a talk again and NWRO and tomorrow Channel 8 news wanna film something about the coffeeshop, just take note on tomorrow's news. Something happened in Abu's office and seriously, I guess I can say that perhaps she never suspect me before and thats why she tell me about the theft thingy. Somebody stolen some stuff in her office. Those stuffs are desktop ram and her 2 harddisk of which, the harddisk contains all her company's important information and data. At first when she tell me about the lost item, I was suspecting another person but then Abu tell me that he is really sick and thus she thinks that it is not him. I mean, there are so many other possibilities lah because everyone holds the key to enter her office. She even put a spare key in my office for just in case she forget to bring her keys to work (she got incident of locking herself outside before, recently...). ...


我真的很想做可是我实在是办不到。最近所参与的会议真的足够让我快要崩溃,让我真的有种做到累,说到很想不要说的感觉。很多事根本不该是我做的可是我扛下了因为我觉得没什么好计较的。也可能是因为我扛了下来,他们就会觉得是理所坦然,不会多加去理会。 我真的做到累了,我也真的很想举起白旗投降。 最近梦到我去世的外婆。在梦里,我知道她已死可是忽然间外婆复活了。当然,在梦里的我是害怕的因为我知道她已不在了,所以梦里的我是用了命不停的跑。 到现在,如果问我最大的遗憾是什么,我会说:“我没送我的外婆最后一程”。到了现在,我真的是每天都在想着她。像昨天,我在书房里嗅到闻到熟悉的味道。我很肯定不是心理作用,不是头脑作怪,而是真的闻到。想要把看着我长大的外婆给忘掉或不去想她是件很不容易的事。我有时还得安慰我妈妈因为她是每一秒,每一分都想着外婆。当然,我知道外婆现在是在某一个角落,不管是天堂或地狱,我们真的都会再见面。 这几天我用心思考着到底该停下脚步,做份轻松的工,没压力,没人催,不需要想太多。可是每当想到钱,我就会拉自己回来,告诉自己面对现实。社会真的是一个非常残酷的战场,不是你死就是我亡,自相残杀而且还能不惜一切的毫不保留,用尽各种招数把对方敢进杀绝。我不是在比打成语,而是把现实所发生的事给打下来。最近我的工做的地方就发生了有关类似的事。我最讨厌这种卑鄙的人。 希望我能赶快熬过去。。。