"Happy" Chinese New Year!!

Yeah, its a "moo" "moo" Year. Like what PM Lee said, we need to work like cows, work harder for a better future, especially we are in recession now. Our government dipped into our reserves, where it took so many years to have a strong reserve.

There is some changes in CPF and I seriously don't understand what are the changes but all I know is, right now, all of us (for those who are working) must really work hard and stay in the current job.

So... after so many problems, is Chinese New Year a happy one? I don't see people shopping for clothes, I don't see people queueing up for bak gua, I don't see my neighbours going out for celebration, I don't see cars jamming on the road, I don't see families wearing bright red walking at our clean pathway, I never hear people playing Chinese New Year songs to lighten the mood or to make it feel like a festive season, I don't see so so so many things... It doesn't seems like we are having Chinese New Year but it seems like we are just having 2 days off and these 2 days are for us to breathe and think wisely what we want to do. That's what I feel lah, I am not sure if others feel this way too.

Last Saturday, we have our reunion dinner at my cousin's house. It was indeed a nice one. Oh, by the way, I bought my A200 and so naturally I bring the camera along and snap alot alot of pictures. Show you guys a few here ok.

Taken by my Sony A200.. So blardy nice. Oh, this pic is taken in level 25.

Last but not least, this little niece really can speak and portray what she want EVERY WELL. At the end of the day, my cousin did something funny on her, and seriously, DAMM FUNNY. See below pictures for evidence. AHHAHAHA.
Nobody teach her to stand sideways but she did it all by herself. She is really clever cos she know by doing this we will laugh and she know that SHE IS JOKING. hahahahaha, SOOOO CUTE!!
Alright people, let all of us work hard this year. Take care.


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