
Showing posts from December, 2008

Ending of 2008, Welcome the 2009!!!

In another 2 more hours plus, it will be the end of 2008 and once the clock strike 12am, WOOHOO, 2009 IS HERE!!! So many things happened in 2008. I manage to graduate, I found a job that I love, I get to know more people and I love my friends even more, I am spending like nobody's business, I am getting fatter and fatter... So many things but still, it is an enriching and fun year. 2009, there are so many things awaiting for me to do. Studies, Taiwan Trip, Laos/Cambodia/Vietnam trip with "YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE", and my upcoming 2 assembly talk at PLMGS and CHIJ TPY. Hahahahaha.. So glad that I got bunch of friends who are always with me, support me in terms of mentally and cash. LOL. I AM READY FOR 2009! ARE YOU GUYS READY?

Using Omnia to blog!

So cool! I can blog using Omnia. LOL. Oh, an annoucement to make here. I am going to backpack Taiwan coming March. SO HAPPY. Anyway, 2008 is gonna end so soon and 2009 is coming so fast! There are so many things I wanna do in 2009. 'Cause I am using phone now so can't blog much. My fingers are a little bit tired. LOL. Will blog more tmr in the office. Its 1/2 DAY tmr! Y.E.A.H!

Festive Season!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! May you guys grow taller than me.. ahhahaha.

Getting closer and closer...

Application for the degree in Unisim is getting closer and closer. Its a good thing that I am going back to study but it is also quite a bad thing because this is going to be a part time degree. Coping with studies and work is not my "specialise" area. I hope I am not going to get so stress up. Christmas are coming and I am waiting for it to come.. Bought and did a super special present for SBK. I hope they will like it. Dear friends, is there any meet up? LOL.. I know previously I have been rejecting and not turning up for gathering but I misses all of you guys so much lah. Hahahaha. I was staying at home during the weekend and read up a book that I bought LAST YEAR. Hahaha, I managed to finish reading it and out of a sudden, I FEEL LIKE GOING TO SHANGHAI. I always long to go overseas (not msia) with friends. I guess going overseas with friends is the best thing and the most ever fun thing to do. Hai, but my friends are either attached or married... Targeting to go Taiwan ne...

Thank you everyone!!

Thank you guys for those wishes I received. There are some people whom I never really contact that much take the effort to wish me, some whom I know so long and keep in touch never msg me. Hahahaha, but seriously, I am very happy to received all those wishes. Thank you SBK for the present. I guess you girls dont want me to forget you both so buy me that present and thus whenever I look at it, it will remind me the both of you. Hahahaha. Once again, THANK YOU!

Suddenly, I feel blessed..

Yeah, I guess when you guys read the title, you all must be thinking :"OH MY GOD, ZHI TONG GOT HERSELF A BF??" Hahahhahaha, I got something better than that!!! 1 more day to the big day of mine and I received 2 great wishes plus present (of cos!). Hahaha, I thank Caltex people for treating me a sumptuous meal and seriously celebrate with me despite the fact that we only know each other for 3 months. I thank you my auntie (boss) for buying me voucher (altho not much) but its enough for me to buy my Teva slippers!!! Hahaha, cute auntie boss I have. Oh, tmr... hmm.... I DUNNO WAT I CAN EAT LEH.. Oh, my small intestine has got some problems. Whenever I swallow the food, the pain will come and it is quite irritating and the pain affects your mood of eating. Doctor was telling me that if I am still in pain, I need to see him and admit to hospital immediately.. Maybe I will do a check up after my big day tmr. Hahahaha.. To be exact, 5 HOURS AND 30 MINS MORE TO MY BIG DAY!

Big freaking SHOCKED OF MY LIFE..

Remember I told you guys abt the judging thing? Well, I am going to judge the 4th Public Health Award by the Southwest CDC. Seriously, I got a little bit shocked. Not about the toilets that I am going to see, but the NUMBER OF TOILETS THAT I NEED TO JUDGE. Take a look at the list below. Seriously, after looking at the schedule, I am a little bit shocked. Just imagine on the 15th December, I will need to audit 17 location which is equals to 34 toilets!!! OMG. Anyway, I think I seriously need a rest man... Take care peeps.


I am on MC again. Dammit sia, the frequency of me falling sick its like once every month. I think in no longer's time, my house can have a stock of flu and fever medicine. Feeling so jelly"fied". Oh, altho I am sick, I would still wanna blog and intro my "god-daughter" to you guys. TAAAAAAAAAA DAAAAAAAAA~ Her name, is of course, GiGi. Well, she is cute, adorable, playful... Hahaha, my "god-daughter".. My only wish for her is to give birth to lots and plenty of Corgi. (Shirley, got this hint?) Today was told to be one of the judge for this something "Public Health" or some cleanliness award thingy by Southwest CDC. Oh well, I gotta judge the toilet (OF COURSE!). I am not sure abt the details but its a 5 days thingy. Gonna be judge for 5 days and seriously guys, this is somehow like a big event. Sending me to judge the thing is like abit weird leh... Nvm, will try my best as this is not the first time been judge. Hopefully they(media) wont come...

No more off days..

I just finished my off days and was having one whole day "D&T workshop". Hahaha, why "D&T" leh? Cos I am doing certificate for Eastpoint Mall's toilet. The kind of certificate that I am doing is seriously machiam having "D&T" lesson that kind. Ok, please use your imagination now as what I am going to describe need lots and plenty of creative, wild imagination. Hahahahaha... Imagine a wood (thickness 1 cm, A4 size) with 4 holes drilled at the corner, the certificate (A4 size) and an transparent acrylic (2mm thickness, A4). So now, place the wood on the table, put the certificate on top of the wood and lastly, put the acrylic on top of the certificate. (now, if you can imagine, there are 3 different layers) So, after putting them together, the tedious job comes... I need to BLARDY SCREW THE 4 SIDES WITH BOLT AND NUT USING A SCREWDRIVER. Imagine again, I have got 24 certificates need to do and I HAVEN FINISH DOING IT ok.. I seriously used whol...

4 days!!!

Yeah, its friday!! All my toilets related stuff can be dumped to the back of my head for 4 days!!! Why 4 days? Because Saturday, Sunday and Monday I do not need to work, most importantly, I GOT AN OFF ON TUESDAY!!! So many stuff happened this week. I am so lazy to explain but then... Haha, it is all over. I am so tired and has been late to work for a week. Anyway, 4 days of no toilet related stuff. YEAH!