Still sick...

Yes, I hate the feeling I am having now. The feeling of weak... My right ear is seriously blocked and I have been coughing from Saturday until now. Every night cant sleep well because of the blardy cough. Argh!

Anyway, one announcement to make. I HAVE GOT MY SAMSUNG OMNIA!

Well, I should be happy about it right? But not really... I found out that the box they gave me have 2 seals overlapped another seal. I guess my phone had been used before. Anyway, initially I thought the phone would be somehow like my dopod 818pro PDA, but it turns out to be quite alittle bit of difference which I am still trying my best to overcome the differences. For instance, when I decided to buy the phone, I know all these while that the Omnia doesnt have a slot for stylus but I tell myself that it is ok not to have the slot because it was design to use fingers instead of stylus. I am still sad to say, till now (1 day usage), I cant live without the stylus. Even I have the stylus, I have go no where to put unless I hang it with the phone but the thing is... IT LOOKS SO WEIRD because that stylus is dangling there, hitting the screen so many times. The PDA is slim and light, icons are big and I love it but then, the interface seems abit hard to understand. Alot of things hidden which I have to explore almost all the icons and then I will know where are all the programs.

Its not that Omnia is not nice, its just that it can be better because we are paying at that price. Just feel lucky that I buy it online because it is much more cheaper than the Hello! shop.

I am glad that so far, my special has been contacting me and my reason to go work has been doing well. Hahaha, this will continue.. I think I have to believe sometimes that I am crazy. Nvm, lazy to explain also but I am just simply happy when I can see someone, just like today. Hohohoho...

Take care people, I am going to understand my Omnia better now. Cant leave her alone there. LOL.


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