
Decided to update about myself and dont care if people read.. Haha, anyway, yes, I am participating in 2 competition. One of them is the SMU Business-IT competition and had received the "problem statement". Well, kinda excited because out of the 8 teams, only 3 teams will represent RP and participate in the competition. If we win, well, I do not really know what we will get. The team consist of me, Kelis and Lena. Hopefully this will be a good opportunity for us.

Another competition is the Singapore HR competition where we need to do case study of a particular company in their HR management. I think this is fun too and my team consists of me, Jasmine, Liyi, Yali and Lena. If we win, we can get the internship program which I think it will be quite fun.

Hai, I really think I got a weak body. I am coughing non stop now while typing this entry.

The entry today will be quite meaningful. Well, its my secondary school principal's last day. Today's concert was really a good one whereby it bring us back from year 1999 to 2006. The way the do it is that each year (from 1999), we will always have performances. Be it chinese new year or teachers days. Well, so Ms Soo extract those performance that we remember and she bring it up to the stage and put a show for Mr Low. This idea was really a good one. So, the first item for the concert is in year 1999, our 2 pioneer batch, which is my batch too, sang 我们都是中国人 by Hua Long and Cheng Hoe. Hahah, looking and listening them singing again makes me really miss the very first year in OPSS where we are located in Woodlands Ring. So the second item is year 2000 and the item just goes on till 2006.

After the concert, Ms Soo asked if Mr Low is going to cry and he didnt hide nor deny but admit that it was really touching. So again, Mr Low walk down the lane with the pioneer batch standing at the side of the lane, clapping and hugging him for the one last time and this time, its really true that 26 Oct 2007 will be his last day in OPSS. Teachers and ex-teachers gather and sang him a song, a song that they sang before in one of the previous years.

After all this, we gather at the library which is located at 3rd floor. For those ex-opss pioneer batch, you know, the library have shifted to first floor, the humanities room where we had our History lessons with Mrs Sasi. Oh my, seriously, I miss those days where we never do homework, we copy, we got punish, we got kick out of the class and the guys play the pearl/tissue and spit it out from the straw, throwing some of the classmate textbook up the ceiling, switching off the 5B1's classroom electric (thats the purpose of taking D&T!), playing wrestling in the middle of the lesson break, ask for toilet break and you guys will lock the girls up in the toilet, esp during PE time. Those games we played, those times... For 3 years, we really stick together and altho there are quarrels, bullies, harsh punishments and etc, we manage to still have the fun and coming to sch everyday is what I really wish for. I love this class, I love this school and I love 5B2 the most.

Altho a few went back, like Kok Leong, it was like after 5 years, I get to see him once again. No more vulgar out from his mouth but he has changed to a better man, be it physical or character. Ruki, that one, everyday can see him.. haha.. Thanesh, busy but take the effort to come. Hmm... Yes, its abit sad to see just a few came back (for NA), but I catch up with them alot. This may be the last time for us to go back to OPSS because I believe we cant find anymore reasons to go back to that sch if Mr Low is not there anymore.

Mr Low is indeed a truly wisdom graceful principal I have ever met. He accepted me again when I fail my Os. He encourages me to proceed and his motto for OPSS, which is Onward and Persevere is what I am still following now. His creed for the school, we memorize. Still remember, the creed that we are forced to memorize are actually so meaningful. "We, the Orchid Park students shall blossom into ..." I miss all this... A man who really remember every single students name (pioneer batch only). He really did put his heart, soul and time in building this school. Today was my second time seeing him cry and it was sad to see him cry.

I still remember an incident where I was punished by Mrs Lim for I did not bring my vocab book. She kicked me out of the class and punished me by asking me to put all my books in my school bag and then hold my bag on top of my head for one period, which is like 30 mins. Last time, I am really naughty. So I closes the class window because once I put down my bag, she wont be able to see it, but then, she will still open the window and I am really the only girl who gt punished so harshly by her. At that moment, I was really praying that Mr Low wont walk pass because he got the habit of walking around in the school to actually monitor us. And serious enough, he really walk pass me with my bag on my head. He ask me why am I out of the class and so I tell him the truth. He did not scold but he just said, zhitong, you must work hard ok.

A principal, a mentor, a teacher, a leader, a father, he will always be in my heart and of course, I believe in 5B2 hearts too.


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