NB, fuking knn suay!

As you can see from my title AGAIN, this time, one freaking idiot, moron shitty no manners or IQ and EQ person pour urine at my doorstep. It was only until recently, the maid then tell us that actually our house kena this since march until now. 4 months of this, only until sunday, she tell my mum. If let me see the person who did it, trust me, I will blardy show him/ her my power of blackbelt (self acclaimed). hahaha, but seriously, i will whack him if its a him, and slap her if its a she.

This person will do it once or twice in the month. Dun worry people, I have already borrowed one camera from my friend. Please, clap for him and he is the best IT person i know. LETS WELCOME RUKIYUDDIN!!! Hahahah, yup, he is my sec sch mate. I think he is the only guy friend I am close with. As in my family got into what shit, he will also know. Hmm, 6 years of friendship!!! ahhahahaha, and damm, his webcam is better than mine in terms of recording.. So freaking clear..

anyway, with this webcam cum recorder cum survelliance camera, I will nab the person soon!

Anyway, if your guys got the same problem like harrassment or anything, can contact me and I can help u all to track the person down. Seriously, I think I can become a PI. Those who are close with me know that once I like something, I will track and track.. hahahaha, not pervert lah, but hor, its my fav thing mah, so I will dig and dig.. I dont mean human here... ahahahaha, so... dun worry, I wont like you guys.. LOL..

Anyway, kinda excited now because I am freaking enthu to nab the person. Wooden bat are all ready. Once found the target near us, we will just open the door, and whack the person upside down! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!

Ok, tata ppl and I am so so so so so tired. I have been ponning for like..... 2 days?? tmr have to go back to sch. My FYP presentation day is 8/8/2007, 10am. Whichever god, please help me to pass smoothly and pls let the indian man from india speak clearly with no slang... May that 2 man who evaluate us be kind that day and dun hurt my team by giving us C.


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