Fun day, fun lesson, fun conversation..

Haha, thanks to Poh Hiang jie aka Da Ma, my lunch today is not lonely. She waited for me till 12pm(cos I promised her that I will finished my work by then), we went and settle our lunch together. She got a new term, or I should say, name, for peeing.. She IM me and say,"auntie need to download something". At first, I read this statement, I thought she really wanna download something. When I ask her what she wanna download, she say she already download finished, and that is pee. WAH LAO... I think I know her so long(abt 2 years?), today is the first time I saw her go high for nothing. Or maybe she dont have enough sleep, thats why she high for nothing... She praise herself the whole day. This prove that nobody has been praising her. Worst thing, she say my Lao Lim.. Wha kao. Anyway, I enjoy lunching with her lah. Truly Uniquely Specially Sincerely Only Really my one and only mentor that I will remember vivdly. Lol.

Ok, I think today happened alot of SHIT things. I really wanna scold vulgar. I think only SBK know. Just wanna say it here, certain things in life, you know you can't get it, dont even try to control it. You may not know what you are doing, BUT please, dont be an idiot. Controlling doesnt mean it will belong to you. One more time, I AM GONNA FLARE. I dun give a damm on who you are, how clever you are, how weak or strong you are. As long as you crossed over my RED line, I think both of us wont let anyone go.

Ok, the above statement are for those who think they are the ones. If you happen to see it, yes, its you. Dont come and clarify with me.

Ok, tmr my mum's friends, who are from Canada and Malaysia are coming over to Singapore to meet up. LOL, cant believe that they are coming over lo.. Kinda excited sia.. haha, will blog tmr for more. Take care ppl.


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