
Showing posts from December, 2015

Stressful year

I have never been so stress in my life. You guys do not know just how much I have cried. Even typing this entry now just make my eyes well up. July Father had aneurysm ruptured and we were told by the doctors his chances of survival was 50%. I did not shed a single tear when doctor mentioned the survival. In fact, those who knows me well knew that l have not spoken to him for the past 2 years. Honestly, l was ready to accept the worst turnout, where he would pass on. When he was in A&E, I was thinking about his funeral. Thinking of how to manage, what to do, how to console my mum and brother. When he was sent to ICU, reality questions set in. Questions like what about his work? What about his bank loan? What about the family? Am l gonna be sole-breadwinner? Anyways, father went through a tough time. Admitted to KTPH, neurosurgeon met up with me and had an explanation about his condition. After explaining, he told me that there are 2 methods to do it. 1st would be endoscopy, wher...