Surprised!! and of course shocked.

Was really surprised when I saw the Performance Bonus and Salary Increment letter. The initial calculation that I did to myself was only $1000++. After seeing the letter, I got a shocked that I got $2000++ (with pro-rated calculation somemore). I am seriously happy. Those who know me will know that I dont compare such figures like who get higher etc.. I believe this are extras and I am glad that I got that much. As my director was on MC today and tomorrow, my GCD went down to office, collected the letter and came back all the way from Kallang to just pass us the letter. When I saw him holding to a bag that seems heavy, I just smiled non stop to him.. HAHAHAHAH. It was really SMILING non stop.. Then it comes to the part where I giggled and laughed and smiled and giggled again..

The amount is not much, but its like... Its like the feeling of collecting a big red packet.. Anyways, I got a grading of C+. I am happy with such grading because based on my schoold results ah, I am always a C person, seldom a B, never an A person, unless I reaaaaally study hard..

Planning on where to go for a short holiday. Wanna go alone leh but I am afraid of this and that.. Havent been to a holiday to relax for a year plus liao. The last time was in Sept 2011. Its coming to 2 years since I last had a trip..

Maybe shld start planning one.. Awaiting patiently to receive my congrats letter from UniSim to tell me that I have officially passed..

Till then, take care peeps.


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