Shut up, sit and do

I have learn these 3 simple steps. First of all, shut up. Secondly, sit down and lastly, do! Do not comment so much at all.

Today my niece brighten up my day. Didn't know she was at my house until I call my brother, he told me and thus after knowing that Arianne is there, I walk super fast back home and I SAW HER!

Wah lao, I must say, she grow super fast. Walking super steadily and able to understand us and address us. Her pronunciation for some English words is SUPERB! With saliva hitting my face and she always pronounce the ending accurately. Like bed, she say bed "ti", stressing the D behind. Cute leh!

How I wish she never grow up. Hahah, impossible lah hor. I am super shagged now because I AM A WOMAN. ARGH! Awaiting for Shirley Lee Xue Li arrival to Block 657. Ahem! Waiting ah!!! Come come come, prata prata prata, eat eat eat, enjoy enjoy enjoy, relax relax relax.

To Shirley:

I am happy for you (you know what it is lah)! Just remember to repay the kindness. LOL, I draw you one triangle ok. LOL, you MUST USE!

Working life is still the same, nothing much has change but after 3 weeks of work, it seems to me like as if I am doing nothing you know. I dont know how to put it, like I am so useless. Anyway, life still goes on.



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