
Showing posts from October, 2007

Trips and Outings!!

It has been such a long time since I met Gean. Aiyo, so long that I really felt that she has grown much shorter than me or is it because I grow taller? Hahaha, ok, stop all the craps here but I am glad that at last both of us have the time to meet each other. We went to the travel fair, or I should say, Malaysia Travel Fair. The places that they offer are actually from local to Malaysia or Borneo. So find out some of the places for me as well as for her. Gean, when are we going to step out of the Singapore?? Not Sentosa ok, I mean, to other countries. Haha, I hope this time will come soon. So after visiting the fair, Shi Min wanna give Gean a surprise by turning up and... hahah, the surprise... ok lah.. Gean's acting is so well. Anyway, here are the picture(s). I look so shagged. Hahah, stooopid tongue. Anyway, both of them said something funny today. They say my nose are clean. Hahahhaha, and they even bend down and look inside my nostril.. HAhaha, funny friends I got. They really...


Decided to update about myself and dont care if people read.. Haha, anyway, yes, I am participating in 2 competition. One of them is the SMU Business-IT competition and had received the "problem statement". Well, kinda excited because out of the 8 teams, only 3 teams will represent RP and participate in the competition. If we win, well, I do not really know what we will get. The team consist of me, Kelis and Lena. Hopefully this will be a good opportunity for us. Another competition is the Singapore HR competition where we need to do case study of a particular company in their HR management. I think this is fun too and my team consists of me, Jasmine, Liyi, Yali and Lena. If we win, we can get the internship program which I think it will be quite fun. Hai, I really think I got a weak body. I am coughing non stop now while typing this entry. The entry today will be quite meaningful. Well, its my secondary school principal's last day. Today's concert was really a good o...

Seriously sick

I am down with flu, cough and and and EAR INFECTION! Why ah? Ear infection is quite serious. Doctor say my ear canal is red and abit swollen. Consume my medication and went to sleep at 5pm, wake up at 830pm. I am tired. Maybe tired of the work. Anyway, just a simple update. Enjoying my poly life to the max now. Participating in a competition held by SMU soon. Take care peeps.

Chionging for money!!

Well, I was extrememly lazy to go to work as well as school. Calculated on how many days I pon, well guys, the figure are... 8 days out of 5 weeks of school! I am not shock lah but I am just.. tired. Simply tired. Anyway, I cant pon school anymore so I will really need to try my super uber very best to go to school. Work has not always been fun lah but then, well, sometimes you can choose on whether you wanna dig some fun. Yesterday, I think my supervisor decided to dig some fun on me. She asked me to go over to her desk. So I tell her and say :"Asking me to come over to your desk is bad." Her replied was:" Well, you people always think its bad. Take a seat." When she tell me to sit, my reply to her was:" Asking me to take a seat is even worst. This is going to be a long conversation." Indeed, it was. She blardy dig some fun on me on how I talked to customer. SHE PLAYED MY CONVERSATION! Well, I tell her straight to the face that this is bad and I am ...

Boring weekend..

Regarding about the previous post, well, I am still upset lah but then, there is nothing I can do much. I just hope I get to see you more. Went out with Hanzo today. My date mate lah.. Anyway, Hanzo is his nickname, his real name is Lim Wee Thiam. Hahaha... Erm, can group him as my best buddy in RP. Crap alot with him and he also lame lah. Met him at around 2pm and head to Long John to eat our brunch (breakfast cum lunch). We wanted to meet last week but we didnt because of tight schedule. Well, this morning he msg me at the right time because I just wake up and he too just wake up. Ok, so after our brunch, we walked around the whole blardy Jurong Point, see how people dance the DDR, see slippers, etc. So after awhile, we decided to go arcade and play some games lah. I must say, he pro leh but hor when it comes to Daytona... Hahhahaha, super funny la. Ok, after our date hor, we went and meet his friend and went Entertainment Center to play pool. Hahaha, once again, he lost to me. This ...


此刻的心情,只有一首歌能形容,那就是张学友的“我真的受伤了”。 这一连串的“惊喜”真的把我从高处上用力拉了下来。我起初以为是我胡斯乱想,不过当我和一位朋友请教了之后,我才发觉到,原来我的胡斯乱想是对的。 可能打从一开始我就不应该喜欢你因为我知道这一定会是一个不会成功的r/s. After a year, our friendships are getting further and further away. Contacting you is so hard. Asking you out is even harder. Talking to you on the phone seems impossible and now, after what I have deduce, it seems to me that you are kinda busy with another person. When I asked, why didn't you tell me? When I need you to clarify, why didn't you do so? I don't know if you feel or you can see how I treated you, its so different lar. You know, I actually do need a clarification from you. Be it as a friend status or admirer. I am so tired because I know this won't happen yet I am still waiting for a miracle. I am actually waiting for you to say that you are in a r/s because only this words that comes from you can then truly kill my heart. I do not want to wait till I know and found out myself because it is so different from you telling m...

Strikes, Spare, Wash drain...

Hahah, well, the competition on Friday went perfectly well. But hor, I am not up to standard lah. My teammates make 4 strikes and I never help them in making any strikes but I wash the drain for them and also with some spares lah. In the end, we lost to a team which ARE ALL BOWLERS. Sometimes, open competition is so unfair. Rules stated clearly that you can only have one bowler from school's IG but all we see are actually all from school's IG. Well, the highest, I think got 1200 plus points whereas our team, we got 600 plus lah, near 700. I am proud lor cos my team is really totally dunno how to bowl well. Well, from the picture above, you can actually see just how tired we are lah. But hor, after the bowling (which took abt 3 hours just for that 2 sets), we slack at a coffeeshop in Chong Pang area and chit chat alot of things lah. Thanks Mag, Joanna, Jun Hong and one long hair guy for coming down to support us lah.. Hahah.. Anyway, my freaking FYP supervisor damm cute. Serious...

tired tired tired...

I am really tired. Started working for a month and my freaking pay is not in yet. I am trying very hard to survive now and my family meet some crisis. Sometimes things just come the wrong timing. 我真的很累。能不能让我好好的休息?做人很难。。。No, I am not emo or what, but its pretty very obvious that you cannot survive if you do not have money. Going to Bangkok on December and I just hope everything goes smoothly.祝我一路顺风ok. hahaha. Anyway, please, really, grant me more energy so that I can work hard, study hard and earn money hard. As a saying goes, 没钱就没话说. Tomorrow is the bowling competition, I am sure we can do it lar. Hahaha, wish me luck ok. Take care people. 我真的要生病了。我好想你喔。哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。


你们好!我想用华语来表达我现在的心情。哈哈哈。。。 最近换了班,起初还觉得不错,不过到了后面,那些善恶之心都显现出来。我实在是忍无可忍才每个礼拜只去上学3天。我所在的班,真的不是普通人能生存的。我就是一个很普通的人所以我有一点受不了。 不过,我还是很开心的去上学因为我真的有一班很要好的朋友。我看如果没有了他们,我真的会十分的懒惰。 作天我和我最要好的男性朋友去打龅龄球。(dunno the right word lah)打了3 场, 我赢一场。真的是笑到嘴巴麻,肚子痛。 不过只要有恒心,我终有一天会赢他的! 来临的礼拜四是我跟几位要好的朋友龅龄球比赛。我是希望能赢啦,不过没有赢也没关系。最重要是我们enjoy 整个过程。 你们看,我用华语就能一下子把我想要说的话一句一句的打出来。虽然是有一点困难,坦这样的blog有时还是瞒有趣的。 好了,不想再多说,就在这里停笔吧。 take care people.