Trips and Outings!!

It has been such a long time since I met Gean. Aiyo, so long that I really felt that she has grown much shorter than me or is it because I grow taller? Hahaha, ok, stop all the craps here but I am glad that at last both of us have the time to meet each other. We went to the travel fair, or I should say, Malaysia Travel Fair. The places that they offer are actually from local to Malaysia or Borneo. So find out some of the places for me as well as for her. Gean, when are we going to step out of the Singapore?? Not Sentosa ok, I mean, to other countries. Haha, I hope this time will come soon. So after visiting the fair, Shi Min wanna give Gean a surprise by turning up and... hahah, the surprise... ok lah.. Gean's acting is so well. Anyway, here are the picture(s). I look so shagged. Hahah, stooopid tongue. Anyway, both of them said something funny today. They say my nose are clean. Hahahhaha, and they even bend down and look inside my nostril.. HAhaha, funny friends I got. They really...