Oh yeah, I have tonnes of resolutions for the coming year. That will be getting rid of my blardy fats, get my car license (I presume I shld be alittle debt free), find a new job that is able to tie in with my 6 months of attachment and travel again!! Ohhhhh, not very excited about the coming year because it simply means I am getting older, and parents are getting older too. Work hasnt been that bad recently.. Like I said earlier, all I need is time to learn. Of course, as and when I still do get "warnings" which I do find those warnings ridiculous. I find it no meaning at all. In any workplace, it is good to practice give and take. Never to always take from us but never give anything back. Its a very reality thingy. You demand something and take from us, we do expect a return, any form of return. So practising give and take is good and in a workplace, we shldnt be that calculative. It just gets on my nerves whenever people are calculative and are demanding. Anyways, the fr...